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Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus & Cymbopopgon citratus) Essential Oil Profile


Lemongrass essential oil is steam distilled from the fresh or partly dried leaves of a tufted perennial grass with numerous stiff stems growing out of a short rhizomatous rootstock. Cymbopogon flexuosus (also knowns as East Indian, Cochin or native lemongrass) is native to India and Cymbopogon citratus, possibly to Sri Lanka. The latter is now cultivated all over the world - major producers are Guatemala, Madagascar, the Comoros Islands, Brazil, Malaysia and Vietnam, and is now known as West Indian or Guatemala lemongrass. India is the major producer of East Indian lemongrass. Lemongrass essential oil is yellow or amber in colour, slightly viscous and has a strong, fresh, herbal, grassy and lemony aroma. C. citratus generally has a more earthy undertone somewhat similar to citronella essential oil, and C. flexuosus smells sweeter, more lemony, fresh and light.

Its main actions are as an analgesic (C. citratus), antiseptic, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and insecticidal. *See below for meanings.

Lemongrass is helpful for the herpes virus - cold sores and genital herpes, colds, flus, fevers, fungal and bacterial infections, bronchitis, and HIV. Is it also an excellent choice for vaporising to disinfect the air - or as a spray, particularly when blended with lemon, eucalyptus and manuka.

It stimulates the digestive system, making it useful for colitis, indigestion, gastroenteritis and poor appetite.

Lemongrass essential oil is known as the 'connective tissue oil' and has a mild anti-inflammatory  and analgesic action. It tightens the elastin fibres the epidermis and subcutis, and is recommended for the care of sports injuries, sprains, bruises and dislocations. It is also beneficial for sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis and OOS.

It is an interesting oil, in that it is considered more calming and sedating in low doses, and more invigorating and refreshing in high doses. It is also helpful for headaches.

For the skin lemongrass has an astringent action, making it useful for acne and as a toner, but caution is needed as it can cause irritation or sensitisation. It is also very effective as an insect repellent.

Lemongrass essential oil can help to get you moving in the morning, uplifting, refreshing, motivating and waking up the brain, or it can settle, calm and sedate you. This makes it a very useful oil to have on hand when you're out and about or away - particularly when you consider its ability to repel bugs and ease headaches.

Non-toxic, may be irritating and sensitising for some individuals.

Blends well with sedating, balancing, floral, wood and citrus oils.

For free qualified advice on how to use it, email

Always take care when choosing your essential oils. Look for botanical names and expiry dates on the label. They should come in dark coloured glass bottles to protect them, and have dripulator tops. Following these guidelines will help to ensure you're buying good quality, pure essential oils.



analgesic - relieves or diminishes pain

antiseptic - destroys or controls pathogenic bacteria

anti-microbial - resists or destroys pathogens

anti-bacterial - resists or destroys bacteria

anti-fungal - resists or destroys fungal infections

anti-viral - resists or destroys viruses

insecticidal – controls or kills insects


To order Lemongrass essential oil contact us.

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