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Sandalwood - East Indian (santalum album) Essential Oil Profile

Mainly originating from East India, there are also sandalwood oils available from other regions/countries, some of which are also members of the santalaceae family, some of which are not, and some which are adulterated (treatment and/or addition of lower grade oils). East Indian sandalwood is very different to other sandalwood oils.

The oil is steam or water distilled from the powdered heart wood and major roots of 30 year old trees, which is a major factor in the increasing price and supply issues. East Indian sandalwood is a base note, has a pale yellow to yellow colour, and has a subtle sweet, woody aroma which improves with age.

The main actions of East Indian sandalwood are as an emollient, sedative, mucous membrane tonic, anti-inflammatory and astringent. * See below for meanings.

East Indian sandalwood can be useful for treating varicose veins and swollen lymph nodes.

It's beneficial for respiratory tract infections, especially when the soothing effects of a mucous membrane tonic are needed, and useful for dry coughs, including those associated with chronic bronchitis.

It's also useful for treatment of cystitis and gonorrhea, and helps restore the mucous membranes and strengthen against infection.

For the skin, it soothes, cools and moisturises. Primarily useful for dry skin conditions and inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and for treating oily skin and acne.

A well-used tool for meditation, East Indian sandalwood has a reputation for quietening the mind. It's also used in preparation for healing work, and closely associated with the crown chakra, but is better recognised for linking the base and crown chakras.

It works well with German chamomile and lavender true in a number of methods of application for inflammatory skin conditions, or with geranium, bergamot and lavender true in a burner for anxiety, depression and stress.

East Indian sandalwood is a wonderfully supportive, calming, grounding, gentle oil, and is very useful for anger and stress, and for people needing to be grounded, calmed or nurtured, including when they're vulnerable.

Blends well with most oils, particularly floral and citrus, but also some herbal and other wood oils.

For free qualified advice on how to use it, email

Always take care when choosing your essential oils. Look for botanical names and expiry dates on the label. They should come in dark coloured glass bottles to protect them, and have dripulator tops. Following these guidelines will help to ensure you're buying good quality, pure essential oils.


anti-inflammatory - reduces inflammation

astringent - binds, contracts and tightens tissues

emollient - soothes and softens the skin

mucous membrane tonic - soothes and reduces irritation of mucous membranes eg. respiratory or genito-urinary

sedative – relaxes and calms the nervous system


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