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Rose Otto (Rosa damascena) Essential Oil Profile


There are two major species of rose used for the production of essential oil; Rosa damascena (also known as Bulgarian or Turkish rose, or rose otto) and Rosa centifolia (also known as rose maroc, French rose, attar of rose or rose absolute). The Rosa species are small prickly shrubs 2.4m in height, which are thought to be native of Europe and Western Asia. Rose growing for the production of rose oil was well established in the Kazanlak region of Bulgaria by the end of the 17th century, and it is this oil which is still considered the most prized of all rose oils. The production of rose oil in Bulgaria is confined to just one mountain district. These days, major rose oil producing countries are France, Bulgaria, Morocco, Turkey, Italy and China.

The three main products produced from roses are the essential oil, which is steam distilled from the whole fresh flowers (this process produces a by-product, rose water). It takes approximately 30 roses to produce one drop, hence the cost of this beautiful oil. A concrete can also be produced by extraction using solvents from the fresh leaves and flowers, and an absolute is made by further extracting the concrete. These three products vary between different cultivated varieties or species, and can also vary when the same cultivated variety is grown in different locations. Rose otto generally refers to the oil distilled from Rosa damascena, and usually has the country of origin as a prefix. The flowers are generally hand picked between 5am and 10am, as this is the time when the oil content is highest. They must then be promptly distilled. This profile is about Rose Otto extracted from Bulgarian Rosa Damascena.

Bulgarian Rose Otto is a pale yellow colour, congeals at about 15°C, and has an intense, heady, sweet, floral-rosy aroma.

Rose otto's main actions are as an anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, cicatrisant, emmenagogue, emollient, tonic for the nervous system, uterus, heart, liver, stomach and skin, and as a nervine sedative. * See below for meanings.

For the nervous system, rose is a gentle yet powerful anti-depressant. It can be used as a sedative for the nerves, to ease irritability, insomnia, anger, despair and frustration, and is useful for the treatment of palpitations and panic attacks. Rose opens the heart, soothing anger, envy, jealousy, impatience, fear and anxiety, it comforts and helps with deep depression, grief, loss, hurt and rejection. It helps heal emotional wounds, aids self esteem and issues related to sex/sexuality and low libido. It helps those who feel unsafe, and to overcome lack of interest, withdrawal and coldness.

Rose essential oil is a tonic for the uterus. It is extremely beneficial for gynaecological problems, helping to purify and regulate the female sexual organs, and regulates menstruation, relieves menstrual cramps and excessive menstrual bleeding, and is recommended for functional infertility - when it is difficult to predict ovulation dates because of an irregular cycle. Combining these with the benefits for the nervous system, rose is an outstanding choice for miscarriage and also birth, and it is also very useful for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. Rose also aids male fertility by increasing sperm count and their competency.

Rose has wonderful moisturising, softening and hydrating properties, and combined with its stimulating and antiseptic abilities, it's ideal for all skin care, particularly mature, dry or sensitive skin. It can also be used to treat broken capillaries, redness and inflammation of the skin, including for eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.

Rose essential oil is useful for the cardiovascular and digestive systems, but because there are so many other oils which can help these conditions which are much less expensive, it is best to use other oils. If there is a particular reason to use rose (eg digestive disorders with a nervous cause), use a very small quantity - it's a very powerful oil, so it will only take a tiny amount to do the job.

Energetically, rose is cool and moist in nature. Recommended for clearing heat and inflammation, and alleviating anxiety and depression, it may also be helpful for hot conditions relating to the liver and gall bladder which result in tension, irritability, headache or constipation.

Long associated with love and timeless beauty, rose heals, comforts, nurtures and encourages. It eases hurt, rejection, loss and grief, and welcomes love, openness and security. On a personal note, it is my absolute favourite, and my go to oil during difficult times and grief, when nothing else will do. I've used it as a perfume before job interviews and other nerve-wracking situations, when loved ones left us and other difficult times, usually with instant benefits. If you can't afford the pure essential oil, it can usually be found diluted in jojoba - but it's important to note that you can't put it in a diffuser or burner if it's mixed with vegetable oil.

"No other flower has been exalted in literature, mythology and used for so many sacred purposes as the rose" Quoted from the Complete Guide to Aromatherapy by Salvatore Battaglia.

Blends well with herbal, wood, citrus and other floral oils.


Non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitising.

*Generally a blending ratio of 2.5% (5 drops of essential oil in 10ml of vegetable oil or base cream) is safe for application to the skin, but this varies greatly depending on age, general health and other factors of each individual. If you're only using rose, 1 drop is plenty - it has a strong aroma, and this helps to reduce the cost of using it.

For free qualified advice on how to use it, email

Always take care when choosing your essential oils. Look for botanical names and expiry dates on the label. They should come in dark coloured glass bottles to protect them, and have dripulator tops. Following these guidelines will help to ensure you're buying good quality, pure essential oils.

anti-depressant - uplifts and counteracts melancholy
aphrodisiac - promotes sexual interest and excitement
cicatrisant - promotes the formation of scar tissue
emmenagogue - promotes and regulates menstrual flow
emollient - nourishes, soothes and softens the skin
nervine sedative – reduces nervousness, distress or agitation, relaxing and calming the nervous system; promotes sleep
tonic - strengthens and improves performance of the specified body system


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